Calliope needs her own crew

Calliope needs her own crew

Calliope is a one year old (41 lb) Kelpie / Australian Cattle Dog mix. She loves toys, treats and going for walks. Calliope will do best with a family who has experience and patience with an active dog. She does well riding in the car.

Calliope does best with larger dogs or would be fine as an only dog. She is recovering from FHO surgery and her new family will need to continue her PT exercises at home for a couple more weeks, so she can continue building back the muscle in her leg.

Calliope has a fair amount of energy and will need daily exercise as well as mental stimulation. She is no couch potato! Once her needs are fulfilled, she likes to relax and hangout with her people. She is about 90% potty trained, but continued structure will get her to the 100% mark. Apply to adopt at .

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